New quality in support of the business
The next project regarding Polish-Lithuanian clustering cooperation has just started. Promoting stable employment and supporting employees mobility are the most important goals of the new project of Polish-Lithuanian cooperation officially named “Increase the competitiveness of the PL-LT borderline through development of clustering services”. The project has just begun and will last till the end of January 2018. Project partners are Innovation and Development Promotion Centre (in Poland) and Alytus Business Advisory Centre in Lithuania. Total project budget is 247 378 Eur, of which 108 520 Eur is the budget of Innovation and Development Promotion Centre.
Project name: „Increase competitiveness of the PL-LT borderline through development of clustering”
Priority 2: Promoting sustainable and high quality employment and supporting employees mobility
Detailed goal 2.1.: To promote business creation, development and cooperation trough improved business support services